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SeNd Technology Ltd
01488 762 763
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Mobi.Switch is our mid range alert and control product ideal for simple remote applications where you need to be informed if a problem occurs and can react by sending a control message back to the remote machine.
Mobi.Switch allows you to monitor your control system, machine or process from anywhere there is a mobile network. Having two simple digital volt-free switched inputs and two analogue inputs it gives the simplest devices the ability to send both SMS and email alerts. Two relay outputs allow you to send commands back by SMS to turn on/off your equipment without having to go to site.
How does it work?
Install a SIM card, attach the external antenna and power up the Mobi.Switch unit and you are ready to configure the messages you wish to send when inputs are triggered. Using Mobi.Suite Windows software you just fill in the details of where you wish to send the SMS and email.

Quick Facts:
2 Digital Inputs
2 Analog/Temperature Inputs
2 Relay Outputs
Battery Backup (option)
Remote Configuration
Web-based monitoring
Scheduled events
Send custom SMS & Email alert messages via the mobile network

Input 1 closes (float switch) - "High water level" SMS and email sent to 3 people.
Send status request "Status" - read the analogue vales at that time
High temperature - "Server room too high" email send to IT support team.
Pump start - send "start" by SMS to switch relay 1 on.
Usage examples:
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full details including our special
starter kit prices
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How it Works...
Connect to a remote machine and when an alarm triggers a SMS or email is sent over the mobile network...

Connect volt-free digital triggers, count time or pulses, read analog, temperature and remotely control.
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